This Renaissance estate has graced Portugal since 1554. Located just south of Lisbon, in the region of Azeitão, Bacalhoa was originally built by the son of a famous Portuguese mariner, Afonso de Albuquerque. Inspired by Italian and Indian design, he commissioned a villa in the 16th-century Italian Renaissance style. Characterized by a tasteful sense of restraint, the balanced design includes extensive parterre gardens, easily viewed and appreciated from the open-air balconies.Historical accounts have always made reference to vineyards at the Quinta. However, the real history of this great red wine begins in 1974 with the planting of a vineyard that possessed a similar vine selection to that of Bordeaux. The first harvest, launched on the market in 1979, produced one of the most sought after Portuguese wines and helped to reinforce the fame of the already exemplary Quinta da Bacalhôa. This time in the realm of wine!